This blog is used as my Portfolio so i can showcase my art for commissions and/or posible future jobs. A little about myself: Im Joey also known as GoblinsAndTea. Im 20 years old, just graduated as a graphic designer and wish to become a tattoo artist. I have alot of creative hobbys like drawing, painting, 3D sculpting, BJD's, sewing and many more. I am from Belgium and my native language is dutch. I learned english on my own due to most of my intrests being unavailble in dutch. I have been drawing ever since i first picked up a pencil. When i was about 8 i went to extra drawing classes. However it wasent until 2015 that i started taking drawing seriously. Many of my classmates and teachers kept complimenting me. So my teachers sugested me to go to a new school, wich i now graduated from. I believe art is a never ending learning expirience, so from time to time i try out new things. This is the back of my new bussines cards wich i hope to print soon. I mostly use FireAlpaca ...
As you may know i graduated as a graphic designer. For my final project i had to make a campaign of any theme i wanted. My theme was Transgender acceptance. In general it was for more people to realise that transgender people are just normal but the main goal was for transgender people to accept themself. Thats why my slogan was "Het is transtastisch om jezelf te zijn" wich translated to "its transtastic to be yourself". A pun as my brand was called Transtastisch (transtastic). I knew quite a bit already on the topic as i am a trans man. But ofcourse i have done more research. This was the result, i was very proud of it and the judges really liked the finishd project. Note: Everything is in dutch as i went to a dutch speaking school. However Most of the text is just information about transgender ect. Also most of the text i give credit to . They are a great search for all transgender info. If you click on the image you can view it bigger! This w...
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